If you're a Christian woman who is ready to finally find joy & lasting results in fitness... you're in the right place.

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If you're a Christian woman who is ready to finally find freedom & lasting results in fitness... you're in the right place.

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We've helped women in every stage of life create lasting change in their health in a way, by helping them see that physical health is a crucial part of their walk with Jesus, not separate from it. 

We give you practical tools combined with biblical principles to create lasting change in your life physically and spiritually.


We've helped women in every stage of life create lasting change in their health in a way, by helping them see that physical health is an integral part of their walk with Jesus, not separate from itWe give you practical tools combined with biblical principles to create lasting change in your life physically and spiritually.


Our mission is to provide spiritual insight and practical tools to help every single Christian woman get healthy for the glory of God and good of others. Inside of this membership you get all the practical tools you need for your journey with new tools added every single month. You get to be a part of a growing group of Christian women from all around the world on the journey with you spurring you on, answering questions, and providing accountability. 

If you want to stay steadfast and pointed back to your bigger why, then this is for you.


We're Caroline & Courtney.

For 10+ years, we have been serving women in the faith-centered-fitness space. We have seen hundreds of women change their lives by applying biblical principles to their health journey.

There is nothing we want more than to help you finally love the body God has given you, and love taking care of it.

We want to help you stop feeling burnt out from doing fitness the world's way, and to truly embrace the freedom of doing it in a biblical way.

We are so excited you are here, friend and we know you're here for a reason. We can't wait to get to know you!


We're Caroline & Courtney.

For 10+ years, we have been serving women in the faith-centered-fitness space. We have seen hundreds of women change their lives by applying biblical principles to their health journey.

There is nothing we want more than to help you finally love the body God has given you, and love taking care of it.

We want to help you stop feeling burnt out from doing fitness the world's way, and to truly embrace the freedom of doing it in a biblical way.

We are so excited you are here, friend and we know you're here for a reason. We can't wait to get to know you!




We are not about fad diets or being extreme, because they don't lead to lasting change. Here, we help you create a new normal lifestyle where you become the healthiest and strongest version of you, to honor God with the body He's given you and serve those around you.


Lasting results don't start with what or how, but with why. Most people don't realize that fitness wasn't created to be a burden but a blessing from God as a way to honor the body He gave us. We will help you understand that calling, create a deeper why and give you the resources to take action.

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God has not called you to walk in isolation. You're here to walk alongside other believers and encourage each other. Here, that's exactly what we do. When you join us, you are locking arms with Christian women from all around the world who are on the same journey as you.

"Now that I know the Fit for His Glory Way, I’ve been able to show up for my family (and myself!) like I always dreamed of."

I vividly remember rocking my son to sleep two days after my birthday wondering when I would feel like myself again. I felt so sluggish, overweight, weak from my c-section recovery, and just tired as a mama of a toddler and newborn.

I craved the community they described at Fit for His Glory and the intentionality of pursuing fitness for the glory of God without crazy restriction.

I jumped in and decided to make my health a priority. Since then, I’ve been able to show up for my family (and myself!) like I always dreamed of. The self-discipline I’ve learned here has positively affected other areas of my life like my relationships and pursuit of Christ. :)

In total, I’m down 42lbs! I feel cute in my clothes again and don’t hide behind the baby in pictures anymore!

My why is to show my children what a healthy lifestyle and joyful movement can mean. My little girl requested cute (weightless) dumbbells of her own recently and often does my workouts with me!

I am so thankful God put these gals into my Instagram and into my life to inspire and encourage me in a better way, the Fit for His Glory way!

Over the last year I’ve not only lost weight and inflammation, I’ve gained strength and mobility, eat better, sleep better, and best of all a community of like-minded women who desire to see food as fuel and exercise as the blessing that it is. And I’m modeling this for the next generation!


The Fit for His Glory Podcast 

If you're looking for spiritual insight and practical tips to help you get healthy as a Christian woman: this is for you! For those of you who are new around here, this is the perfect way to get to know us.


You are more than the number on the scale.

You are more than all of the diets that "didn't work". You are more than your pants size.

You are worth taking care of. You are worth feeling your best. You don't have to live feeling defeated and frustrated about weight, body image, or fitness anymore. You can take care of the body God has given you without it controlling your heart anymore.

There is a better way.

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